Animusic 回顾--音乐疯子+CG疯子!

2006-08-13 17:21  Read:

音乐动画Animusic Animusic是用计算机模拟乐队各种乐器演奏及运用高质量的图形制作出各种虚拟3D音乐场景。 Animusic 是美国一家专门研究MIDI音乐的3D场景化,用以制作各种各样的音乐动画场效的专业公司。Animusic 以前发售的Animusic 1深受广大CG迷的喜爱,在它之前从来没有类似的动画DVD出现并发行过。Animusic 2,己于Animusic 2005年10月29日正式发售Animusic 2音乐动画DVD。

Animusic is a content creation company. Our principal focus is the production of 3D computer graphics music animation. We primarily create original content, such as our "video album", but have also produced animation for clients.
Both the graphics and the music are entirely digitally synthesized. Virtual instruments are invented by building computer graphics models of objects that would appear to create the sound of the corresponding music synthesizer track. Graphical instruments range from being reminiscent of existing instruments to arbitrarily abstract.

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